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| Type
| Required
| Description
| String
| Yes
| Unique commit hash.
The commit hash is validated during the operation.
If you use a GitHub repository, you can include a partial hash by sending the first 7 characters of the commit hash. For other repositories, include the full 40-character commit hash.
| Boolean
| No
| Whether to search project-level repositories if the commit hash wasn't found for the global repository.
| String
| No
| Connection ID of the project-level repository to search. If not
specified, the global repository is searched. |
| Boolean
| No
| Whether the sources specified in the objectSpecification object must exist in the assets being pulled. Use one of the following values:
Default is false.
| List<Object>
| No
| Object specification for connection and runtime environments.
| Object
| Yes, if objectSpecification object is included
| Include in the objectSpecification object.
Contains information about the source object.
| List<String>
| Yes, if objectSpecification object is included
| Include in the source object.
Name of the connection or runtime environment in the repository.
| String
| Yes, if objectSpecification object is included
| Include in the source object.
Asset type. Use one of the following values:
| Object
| Yes, if objectSpecification object is included
| Include in the objectSpecification object.
Contains information about the target object.
Include path and type or include ID. If path, type, and ID are included, ID takes precedence.
| List<String>
| Yes, if ID is not included
| Include in the target object.
Name of the connection or runtime environment.
Use with type.
| String
| Yes, if ID is not included
| Include in the target object.
Asset type.
Use with path.
Use one of the following values:
| String
| Yes, if path and type are not included
| Include in the target object.
ID of the target object.
| Collection <complex type>
| No
| Additional object specifications.
Use key-value pairs to specify additional object specifications, such as in-out parameter values and sequence generator values.
| Type
| Description
| String
| ID for the pull operation.
| Object
| Status of the pull operation.
| String
| Returned in the status object.
Initial state of the pull operation. For a successful request, value will always be NOT_STARTED.
To see the status after the operation begins, use the
Getting the status of a source control operation resource.
| String
| Returned in the status object
Descriptive status message for the pull operation.
POST <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/pullByCommitHash Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json INFA-SESSION-ID: <sessionId> { "commitHash": "7c525831c247cf792f595d1663396d1ae2c85033" }
POST <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/pullByCommitHash Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json INFA-SESSION-ID: <sessionId> { "commitHash": "7c525831c247cf792f595d1663396d1ae2c85033", "searchCustomRepositories": true }
POST <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/pullByCommitHash Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json INFA-SESSION-ID: <sessionId> { "commitHash": "1013f61bf318758cccec08f2165f59bbbb41e8f0", "objectSpecification":[ { "source": { "path":["ff"], "type":"Connection" }, "target": { "path":["target_connection"], "type":"Connection" } }, { "source": { "path": ["USW1MJ02YNFB"], "type": "AgentGroup" }, "target": { "id": "2ga6h3hRNZCf9Br0ZWB7EF" } } ] }
{ "pullActionId": "iW5TmGqUjmUcdZKk4c4VQH", "status": { "state": "NOT_STARTED", "message": "Initialized" } }