Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Runtime environments
  3. Hosted Agent
  4. Secure Agent groups
  5. Serverless runtime environments
  6. Connectors in a serverless runtime environment
  7. Secure Agents
  8. Secure Agent installation

Runtime Environments

Runtime Environments

Downloading and installing the Secure Agent on Linux

Downloading and installing the Secure Agent on Linux

To install the Secure Agent on a Linux machine, you must download and run the Secure Agent installation program and then register the agent.
Secure Agent registration requires an install token. To get the install token, copy the token when you download the agent or use the
Generate Install Token
option in
. The token expires after 24 hours.
When you register the agent, it is added to its own Secure Agent group by default. You can add the agent to a different Secure Agent group.
Before you download and install the Secure Agent, verify that no other Secure Agent is installed on the machine using the same Linux user account. If there is, you must uninstall it.
To verify the checksum of the Secure Agent installation program, use the agent REST API version 2 resource. For more information about the agent resource, see
REST API Reference
  1. Open
    and select
    Runtime Environments
  2. On the
    Runtime Environments
    page, click
    Download Secure Agent
  3. Select the Linux 64-bit operating system platform, copy the install token, and then click
    The installation program is downloaded to your machine. The name of the installation program is
    agent64_install_ng_ext.<agent core version>.bin
  4. Save the installation program to a directory on the machine where you want to run the Secure Agent.
    Ensure that the file path doesn't contain spaces or multibyte characters. If the file path contains spaces, the installation might fail. If the path contains multibyte characters, the Secure Agent might not start.
  5. From a shell command line, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installation program and enter the following command:
    ./agent64_install_ng_ext.bin -i console
  6. When the installer completes, navigate to the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore
  7. To start the Secure Agent, enter the following command:
    ./infaagent startup
    The Secure Agent Manager starts. You must register the agent using the user name that you use to access
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    . You must also supply the install token.
  8. If you did not copy the install token when you downloaded the agent, click
    Generate Install Token
    on the
    Runtime Environments
    page in
    , and copy the token.
  9. To register the agent, in the
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore
    directory, enter one of the following commands using your
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    user name and the token that you copied:
    • To add the agent to its own Secure Agent group, use the following command:
      ./ configureToken <user name> <install token>
    • To add the agent to an existing Secure Agent group, use the following command:
      ./ configureTokenWithRuntime <user name> <install token> <Secure Agent group name>
      If the command includes a Secure Agent group name that doesn't exist, the Secure Agent is not assigned to a group. Be sure to use a valid Secure Agent group name.
    The following table lists the command options:
    User Name
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    user name of the user installing the Secure Agent.
    Install Token
    Required. The install token that you copied.
    Secure Agent group name
    Optional. Include when you want to add the agent to an existing Secure Agent group instead. If this option isn’t included in the command, the agent will be in its own Secure Agent group.
    You can check the registration status of a Secure Agent using the following command:
    ./ isConfigured


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