Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Runtime environments
  3. Hosted Agent
  4. Secure Agent groups
  5. Serverless runtime environments
  6. Connectors in a serverless runtime environment
  7. Secure Agents
  8. Secure Agent installation

Runtime Environments

Runtime Environments

Working with Secure Agent groups

Working with Secure Agent groups

Create Secure Agent groups on the
Runtime Environments
After you create a Secure Agent group, you can rename or delete the group, add and remove Secure Agents, and change group permissions. You can also enable services and connectors for the group.
Click the refresh icon next to
New Runtime Environment
to refresh the page before performing any actions on Secure Agent groups.
You can complete the following tasks:
Create a Secure Agent group.
To create a Secure Agent group, click
New Runtime Environment
and enter a name and optionally a description for the group. After you create a group, you can add Secure Agents to the group.
If you use multi-byte characters in the Secure Agent group name and you create the group in a cloud-hosted environment, verify that the environment also supports these characters.
Edit Secure Agent group properties.
To rename a Secure Agent group or to add or update the description, expand the Actions menu, select
Edit Environment Properties
, and complete the fields in the dialog box.
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
updates the group name in all services that use the group.
Enable or disable specific
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
and connectors for a Secure Agent group.
To enable or disable services for a Secure Agent group, expand the Actions menu and select
Enable or Disable Services, Connectors
. On the
tab, select the services to enable or disable. You can enable or disable any service that your organization uses.
Before you disable a service, verify that no connection, task, or process that uses the group as the runtime environment requires the service. If a connection, task, or process has a Secure Agent group selected as the runtime environment and you disable a required service, the task or process cannot run. Similarly, if a feature has a Secure Agent group selected as the runtime environment and you disable a required service, the feature cannot be used.
To enable or disable connectors, expand the Actions menu and select
Enable or Disable Services, Connectors
. On the
tab, select the connectors to enable or disable. You can enable or disable any connector that you organization is licensed to use.
To enable or disable additional services such as Self-Hosted Git Repo, expand the Actions menu and select
Enable and Disable Services and Connectors.
On the
Additional Services
tab, select the services to enable or disable. You can enable or disable any service that your organization uses.
Add Secure Agents to a group.
To add Secure Agents to a group, expand the Actions menu and select
Add or Remove Secure Agents
. You can add any agent that is in the Unassigned Agents group on the
Runtime Environments
Alternatively, you can add a new Secure Agent to an existing group by setting the InfaAgent.GroupName property in the infaagent.ini file before you register the agent. When you add a Secure Agent to a Secure Agent group, the Secure Agent inherits the services and connectors that are configured for the Secure Agent groups.
Application Ingestion and Replication
Database Ingestion and Replication
, if you remove a Secure Agent from a Secure Agent group and add it to another Secure Agent group, wait at least 60 minutes before trying to use it to run application or database ingestion and replication jobs. The internal cache of Secure Agent runtime information is refreshed every hour by default.
When you add more than one Secure Agent to a Secure Agent group, all agents must meet the following requirements:
  • All of the agents must be of the same type, for example, all local agents or all agents that run on Amazon EC2 machines.
  • Each Secure Agent must be configured to connect to the same external systems and have access to files such as libraries, initialization files, and JAR files.
  • Each Secure Agent must have access to the files used in tasks. Ensure that all files used in a task are available in a shared location.
Remove Secure Agents from a group.
To remove Secure Agents from a group, expand the Actions menu and select
Add or Remove Secure Agents
. When you remove an agent from a group,
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
adds it to a group named "Unassigned Agents."
You can remove an agent from a Secure Agent group if the group is not used as the runtime environment for a connection or task. If the group is used, you can remove an agent if it is not the only agent in the group.
Delete a Secure Agent group.
To delete Secure Agent group, expand the Actions menu and select
. You can delete a Secure Agent group if it does not contain any Secure Agents.
If the Secure Agent group is associated with an
advanced configuration
and the
advanced cluster
is running, you must stop the cluster and associate the configuration with a different runtime environment before you can delete the group.
Share or unshare a Secure Agent group.
If you are the administrator of a parent organization, you can share a Secure Agent group so that the sub-organizations can use it. You can unshare a group if it is not used in a connection or task. From the Actions menu associated with the group, choose
Share Secure Agent Group
Unshare Secure Agent Group
Change permissions for a Secure Agent group.
To change permissions for a Secure Agent group, expand the Actions menu and select
. You can define permissions for a Secure Agent group for each user group in your organization.
You can set the following permissions:
View details about the Secure Agent group and use the Secure Agent group in a task.
Edit the Secure Agent group.
Delete the Secure Agent group.
Change permissions for the Secure Agent group.


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