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- Common Content for Data Engineering 10.5.3
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importGlossary <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> Password [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] <-AtServiceName|-atn> Analyst_service_name [<-GlossaryList|-gl> Glossary_list] [<-Delimiter|-dl> Glossary_name_delimiter] [<-IncludeCrossGlossaryLinks|-cgl> Include_cross_glossary_links_true_false] [<-IncludeAuditHistory|-ah> Include_audit_history_true_false] [<-IncludeAttachment|-att> Include_attachments_true_false] [<-IncludeOnlyTemplate|-tem> Include_templates_only_true_false] [<-IncludeRichTextContentforConflictingAssets|-irt> Include_richtextcontent_conflicting_assets_true_false] <-ImportFilePath|-ip> Import_path [<-ResolutionOnMatchByName|-rmn> Copy_or_replace_or_skip_assets_by_name] [<-ResolutionOnMatchById|-rmi> Copy_or_replace_or_skip_assets_by_id]
| Description
| Name of the Informatica domain.
| User name to connect to the domain.
| Password for the user name.
| Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs.
| Required. Name of the Analyst Service.
The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The characters must be compatible with the code page of the associated repository. The name cannot exceed 230 characters, have leading or trailing spaces, or contain carriage returns, tabs, or the following characters:
| Optional. The names of one or more glossaries that you want to import, and that you have access to as determined by the permissions and privileges defined in the Analyst tool. The glossaries must be present in the .xlsx file. Separate the names of multiple glossaries by the user defined delimiter character.
If you do not specify the names of glossaries, the Analyst tool imports all the glossaries that you have permission to access as determined by the permissions and privileges defined in the Analyst tool.
| Optional. Specify a custom delimiter if you are importing multiple glossaries and one of them has a standard delimiter character as part of the glossary name. The standard delimiter is a comma.
Define a custom delimiter of maximum one special character. Use the custom delimiter to separate the names of multiple glossaries.
| Optional. Enter one of the following values:
Default is true.
| Optional. Enter one of the following values:
Default is false.
| Optional. Enter one of the following values:
Default is true.
| Required. Enter one of the following values:
Default is false.
| Optional. Enter one of the following values:
Default is true.
| Required. Specify the path and filename where the import file is available.
| Optional. Enter one of the following values:
| Optional. Enter one of the following values: