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updateLDAPConnectivity <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> password [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] [<-Gateway|-hp> gateway_host1:port gateway_host2:port...] [<-ResilienceTimeout|-re> timeout_period_in_seconds] <-LDAPAddress|-la> ldap_server_address [<-LDAPPrincipal|-lp> ldap_principal] [<-LDAPCredential|-lc> ldap_credential] [<-UseSSL|-us> use_ssl] [<-TrustLDAPCertificate|-tc> trust_ldap_certificate] <-LDAPType|-lt> ldap_types=MicrosoftActiveDirectory, MicrosoftAzureActiveDirectory, SunJavaSystemDirectory, NovellE-Directory, IBMTivoliDirectory, OpenLDAP, OracleDirectoryServerODSEE, OracleUnifiedDirectory, <Custom LDAP Type Name> [<-MaxSecurityDomainSize|-ms> Max_Security_Domain_size] [<-GroupMembershipAttr|-gm> LDAP_Group_Membership_Attribute] [<-LDAPNotCaseSensitive|-lnc> ldap_not_case_sensitive] <-LDAPHostConfigurationName|-lcn> LDAP_host_configuration_name
| Argument
| Description
| domain_name
| Required. Name of the Informatica domain. You can set the domain name with the -dn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN. If you set a domain name with both methods, the -dn option takes precedence.
| user_name
| Required if the domain uses Native or LDAP authentication. User name to connect to the domain. You can set the user name with the -un option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_USER. If you set a user name with both methods, the -un option takes precedence.
Optional if the domain uses Kerberos authentication. To run the command with single sign-on, do not set the user name. If you set the user name, the command runs without single sign-on.
| password
| Required if you specify the user name. Password for the user name. The password is case sensitive. You can set a password with the -pd option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -pd option takes precedence.
| security_domain
| Required if the domain uses LDAP authentication. Optional if the domain uses native authentication or Kerberos authentication. Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs. You can set a security domain with the -sdn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_SECURITY_DOMAIN. If you set a security domain name with both methods, the -sdn option takes precedence. The security domain name is case sensitive.
If the domain uses native or LDAP authentication, the default is Native. If the domain uses Kerberos authentication, the default is the LDAP security domain created during installation. The name of the security domain is the same as the user realm specified during installation.
| gateway_host1:port gateway_host2:port ...
| Required if the gateway connectivity information in the domains.infa file is out of date. The host names and port numbers for the gateway nodes in the domain.
| timeout_period_in_seconds
| Optional. Amount of time in seconds that infacmd attempts to establish or re-establish a connection to the domain. If you omit this option, infacmd uses the timeout value specified in the INFA_CLIENT_RESILIENCE_TIMEOUT environment variable. If no value is specified in the environment variable, the default of 180 seconds is used.
| ldap_server_address
| Required. Host name and port number for the machine hosting the LDAP directory service. Typically, the LDAP server port number is 389. If the LDAP server uses SSL, the LDAP server port number is 636.
| ldap_principal
| Optional. Distinguished name (DN) for the principal user. Omit this option to log in as an anonymous user.
For more information, refer to the documentation for the LDAP directory service.
| ldap_credential
| Optional. Password for the principal user. You can set a password with the -lc option or the environment variable INFA_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -lc option takes precedence.
Omit this option to log in as an anonymous user.
| use_ssl
| Optional. If you include the option, the LDAP directory service uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
| trust_ldap_certificate
| Optional. If you include the option, PowerCenter connects to the LDAP server without verifying the SSL certificate.
If you do not include the option, PowerCenter verifies that the SSL certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority before connecting to the LDAP server
| ldap_types=value
| Required. Type of LDAP directory service. Directory services include:
If you use a custom LDAP directory service, specify the name of the service.
| Max_Security_Domain_size
| Optional. Maximum number of user accounts to import into a security domain.
Default is 1000.
| LDAP_Group_Membership_Attribute
| Optional. Name of the attribute that contains group membership information for a user.
| LDAP_Not_Case_Sensitive
| Optional. Indicates that the user names from the LDAP directory service are not case sensitive.
Default is false.
| LDAP_host_configuration_name
| Required. The name of the LDAP configuration to update.