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deployObjectsToFile <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-ServiceName|-sn> DIS_service_name <-UserName|-un> DIS_user_name <-Password|-pd> DIS_password [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> DIS_security_domain] <-RepositoryService|-rs> MRS_service_name <-RepositoryUserName|-rsun> MRS_user_name <-RepositoryPassword|-rspd> MRS_password [<-RepositorySecurityDomain|-rssdn> MRS_security_domain] <-Query|-q> Query [<-TimeZone|-tz> time_zone] <-PatchName|-ptn> patch_name [<-PatchDescription|-ptd> patch_description] <-Application|-a> application_name [<-FilePath|-fp> DIS_file_path] [<-OperatingSystemProfile|-osp> OSProfile_name] [<-OverwriteDeployedFile|-ow> True | False] [<-MappingDeploymentProperties|-mdp> Mapping_Deployment_Property_key=value_pairs_separated_by_semicolon]
| Argument
| Description
| domain_name
| Required. Name of the Informatica domain. You can set the domain name with the -dn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN. If you set a domain name with both methods, the -dn option takes precedence.
| DIS_service_name
| Required. Name of the Data Integration Service.
| DIS_user_name
| Required if the domain uses Native or LDAP authentication. User name to connect to the domain. You can set the user name with the -un option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_USER. If you set a user name with both methods, the -un option takes precedence.
| DIS_password
| Required if you specify the user name. Password for the user name. The password is case sensitive. You can set a password with the -pd option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -pd option takes precedence.
| DIS_security_domain
| Required if the domain uses LDAP authentication. Optional if the domain uses native authentication. Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs. You can set a security domain with the -sdn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_SECURITY_DOMAIN. If you set a security domain name with both methods, the -sdn option takes precedence. The security domain name is case sensitive.
If the domain uses native or LDAP authentication, the default is Native.
| MRS_service_name
| Required. Name of the Model Repository Service.
| MRS_user_name
| Required if the domain uses Native or LDAP authentication. User name to connect to the domain. You can set the user name with the -rsun option or the environment variable INFA_REPOSITORY_USER. If you set a user name with both methods, the -rsun option takes precedence.
| MRS_password
| Required if you specify the user name. Password for the user name. The password is case sensitive. You can set a password with the -rspd option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -rspd option takes precedence.
| MRS_security_domain
| Required if the domain uses LDAP authentication. Optional if the domain uses native authentication. Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs. You can set a security domain with the -rssdn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_SECURITY_DOMAIN. If you set a security domain name with both methods, the -rssdn option takes precedence. The security domain name is case sensitive.
If the domain uses native or LDAP authentication, the default is Native.
| time_zone
| Optional. By default, the command uses the time zone on the machine that runs the Data Integration Service process. For a list of valid time zones, refer to the java.time.ZoneID class.
| patch_name
| Required. Name of the patch.
| patch_description
| Description of the patch.
| application_name
| Required. Name of the incremental application that the patch will be used to update.
| DIS_file_path
| Optional. Path of the application patch archive file on the Data Integration Service machine. You can specify an absolute or relative path to the file.
| OSProfile_name
| Optional. Name of the operating system profile. The operating system profile name can be up to 80 characters. It cannot include spaces or the following special characters:
| True | False
| Optional. Set to true to overwrite an existing export file. If an export file exists and this option is set to false, the export fails. Default is false.
| Mapping_Deployment_Property_key=value_pairs_separated_by_semicolon
| Optional. Set the deployment properties for the mapping such as optimizing level, high precision, and sorting order.