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createService <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> password [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] [<-ResilienceTimeout|-re> timeout_period_in_seconds] <-ServiceName|-sn> service_name <-NodeName|-nn> node_name | <-GridName|-gn> grid_name [<-BackupNodes|-bn> node_name1,node_name2,...] <-ServiceOptions|-so> option_name=value ...(HDFSConnection*,HiveConnection*,HadoopConnection*,HDFSSystemDirectory*,HiveTableStorageFormat(DefaultFormat|Parquet|ORC (default DefaultFormat)),LogLevel(FATAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|TRACE|DEBUG (default INFO)),customLogDirectory,SecurityMode(simple|kerberos (default simple)),KerberosPrincipal(Principal Name for User Impersonation),KerberosKeyTabFileName(SPN Keytab File for User Impersonation), LogAuditEvents(true|false (default false)),JDBCPort,ZeppelinURL,MaxFileUploadSize(default=512MB),DownloadRowsSize(default=1000000),MaxRecommendations(default=10),MaxSampleSize(default=50000),SampleSize(default=50000),hiveExecutionEngine(MR|Spark|Tez|Cluster-Default (default=Cluster-Default),LocalSystemDirectory*,SolrJVMOptions,IndexDir) [<-LicenseName|-ln> license_name] <-RepositoryServiceName |-rs> repository_service_name <-RepositoryUser|-rsun> repository_user [<-RepositoryPassword|-rspd> repository_password] [<-RepositorySecurityDomain|-rssdn> model_repository_security_domain] <-DISServiceName|-dsn> dis_service_name <<-HttpPort|-hp> http_port|<-HttpsPort|-hsp> https_port> [<-KeystoreFile|-kf> keystore_file_location] [<-KeystorePassword|-kp> keystore_password] [<-TruststoreFile|-tsf> truststore_file_location] [<-TruststorePassword|-tsp> truststore_password] [<-RulesServerPort|-rpo> RulesServerPort] [<-SolrPort|-spo> SolrPort] <-maxHeapSize|-mxhs> maxHeapSize] [<-FolderPath|-fp> full_folder_path]
| Argument
| Description
| domain_name
| Required. Name of the Informatica domain. You can set the domain name with the -dn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN. If you set a domain name with both methods, the -dn option takes precedence.
| user_name
| Required if the domain uses Native or LDAP authentication. User name to connect to the domain. You can set the user name with the -un option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_USER. If you set a user name with both methods, the -un option takes precedence.
Optional if the domain uses Kerberos authentication. To run the command with single sign-on, do not set the user name. If you set the user name, the command runs without single sign-on.
| password
| Required if you specify the user name. Password for the user name. The password is case sensitive. You can set a password with the -pd option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PASSWORD. If you set a password with both methods, the password set with the -pd option takes precedence.
| security_domain
| Required if the domain uses LDAP authentication. Optional if the domain uses native authentication or Kerberos authentication. Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs. You can set a security domain with the -sdn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_SECURITY_DOMAIN. If you set a security domain name with both methods, the -sdn option takes precedence. The security domain name is case sensitive.
If the domain uses native or LDAP authentication, the default is Native. If the domain uses Kerberos authentication, the default is the LDAP security domain created during installation. The name of the security domain is the same as the user realm specified during installation.
| timeout_period_in_seconds
| Optional. Amount of time in seconds that infacmd attempts to establish or re-establish a connection to the domain. You can set the resilience timeout period with the -re option or the environment variable INFA_CLIENT_RESILIENCE_TIMEOUT. If you set the resilience timeout period with both methods, the -re option takes precedence.
| service_name
| Required. Name of the Interactive Data Preparation Service.
You cannot change the name of the service after you create it. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
| node_name
| Required if you do not specify grid name. Node where the service runs.
| node_name1,node_name2,...
| Optional. Nodes on which the service can run if the primary node is unavailable. You can configure backup nodes if you have high availability.
| option_name=value ...
| Optional. Service properties that define how the service runs. To enter multiple options, separate them with a space. To enter a value that contains a space or other non-alphanumeric character, enclose the value in quotation marks. You can define the following available service options:
| license_name
| Optional. License object that allows the use of the service.
| repository_service_name
| Optional. Name of the Model Repository Service that manages the Model repository that contains rule objects and metadata. Set this property if rules are used during data preparation.
| -repository_username
| Optional. User account to use to log in to the Model Repository Service.
| -repository_password
| Optional. Password for the Model Repository Service user account.
| model_repository_security_domain
| Optional. Security domain to which the Model Repository Service user account belongs.
| dis_service_name
| Optional. Name of the Data Integration Service that runs rules during data preparation. Set this property if rules are used during data preparation.
| http_port
| Required if you do not specify an HTTPS port. Unique HTTP port number used for each Data Integration Service process. After you create the service, you can define different port numbers for each service process.
| https_port
| Required if you do not specify an HTTP port. Unique HTTPS port number used for each Data Integration Service process. After you create the service, you can define different port numbers for each service process.
| keystore_file_location
| Optional. Path and file name of the keystore file that contains the keys and certificates required if you use the HTTPS protocol for the service. You can create a keystore file with a keytool. keytool is a utility that generates and stores private or public key pairs and associated certificates in a keystore file. You can use the self-signed certificate or use a certificate signed by a certificate authority.
| keystore_password
| Optional. Password for the keystore file.
| truststore_file_location
| Optional. Path and the file name of the truststore file that contains authentication certificates for the HTTPS connection.
| truststore_password
| Optional. Password for the truststore file.
| RulesServerPort
| Optional. Port used by the rules server managed by the Interactive Data Preparation Service. Set the value to an available port on the node where the service runs.
| SolrPort
| Optional. Port number for the Apache Solr server used to provide data preparation recommendations.
| maxHeapSize
| Optional. Heap size to allocate to the service.
| full_folder_path
| Optional. Full path, excluding the domain name, to the folder in which you want to create the service. Must be in the following format: