Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to verifier assets
  3. Verifier configuration
  4. Verifier asset properties
  5. Frequently asked questions
  6. Address verification properties
  7. Validation and testing
  8. Input address fields
  9. Output address fields

Verifier assets

Verifier assets

Address verification properties

Address verification properties

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services applies a range of properties to the address verification process. The properties provide configuration information to the runtime environment, including the amount of memory to assign to a verification process and the identities of any reference data files to preload into memory.
Configure the properties on the Secure Agent that will run a mapping with a Verifier transformation. The Secure Agent stores the properties in the CDQAV property set on the Data Integration Server.
For more information about the CDQAV properties, see Verification properties in the CDQAV property set.

Configuration properties in earlier releases

In earlier releases of Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, the Data Integration Server stored address verification properties in the IDQAD property set. The IDQAD property set remain visible on the Data Integration Server for user reference. The IDQAD properties do not impact the verifier asset or address verification operations.


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