Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to verifier assets
  3. Verifier configuration
  4. Verifier asset properties
  5. Frequently asked questions
  6. Address verification properties
  7. Validation and testing
  8. Input address fields
  9. Output address fields

Verifier assets

Verifier assets

Enrichments: Global fields

Enrichments: Global fields

Use the Global field to activate enrichments that can apply in the same way to addresses in every country.
You can select the following global enrichment fields:
TimeZone Code
A one- to three-character numeric value that indicates the offset between the address time zone and Greenwich Mean Time. For example, the time zone code for Eastern Standard Time is -5.
TimeZone Name
A three-character code that identifies the time zone to which the address belongs. For example, EST identifies Eastern Standard Time.
The global enrichments TimeZone Code and TimeZone Name are available only for United States addresses.


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