Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to verifier assets
  3. Verifier configuration
  4. Verifier asset properties
  5. Frequently asked questions
  6. Address verification properties
  7. Validation and testing
  8. Input address fields
  9. Output address fields

Verifier assets

Verifier assets

New Zealand-Send Right

New Zealand-Send Right

The following table describes the values and data indicators that a verifier can return when you verify a New Zealand address in certified mode:
NZL Address Type
The address type.
Contains one of the following values:
  • Bag
  • Box
  • CMB Rural
  • CMB Urban
  • Counter
  • Rural
  • Urban
SOA Record Ignored
Indicates whether the Statement of Accuracy ignores the record.
The following address records maybe ignored for SOA calculation:
  • Poste Restante
  • Private Bags with no number
The field contains the value Excluded for an ignored record. Otherwise, the field is empty.
Delivery Point Identifier
An eight-digit number that uniquely identifies each delivery point in New Zealand.
Delivery Service Type
Specifies the type of the delivery service. It may be PO Box, Private Bag, CMB, Response Bag, Counter Delivery, or Poste Restante.
Delivery Service Number
The box or bag number. It contains no leading zeros or spaces, separators, or other punctuation.
Delivery Service Locality
Part of the Suburb line for New Zealand addresses. Contains Box Lobby as the value.
House Number
Number of the structure erected on the property associated with the delivery point.
House Number Alpha
The alphabetical part of the house number of the property associated with the delivery point.
Rural Delivery Number
A six-character field that identifies the rural delivery route number of an address.
A flag that indicates whether address cleansing is possible.
Validity Code
Helps to determine the validity of the input address.
Contains one of the following values:
  • Unique match - VALID-U
  • Base Address match - VALID-B
  • Not valid - INVALID


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