Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to verifier assets
  3. Verifier configuration
  4. Verifier asset properties
  5. Frequently asked questions
  6. Address verification properties
  7. Validation and testing
  8. Input address fields
  9. Output address fields

Verifier assets

Verifier assets

Selecting the output fields

Selecting the output fields

The verifier provides you with a range of output address fields. The output fields that you select depend on your objectives for the address verification process. In some cases, the selection of the output fields might overlap. For example, when you select output fields to verify an address or generate address suggestions, you might select the same output fields.
You can use the output fields to update the structure of the address data. Additionally, you can select Status Codes and Enrichments fields to perform tasks such as reporting on the quality of each address and retrieving enrichment data for valid addresses.
For more information about the uses of the output address fields, see Input and output address element fields.


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