Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to verifier assets
  3. Verifier configuration
  4. Verifier asset properties
  5. Frequently asked questions
  6. Address verification properties
  7. Validation and testing
  8. Input address fields
  9. Output address fields

Verifier assets

Verifier assets

Selecting an input model

Selecting an input model

Review the source data structure and select the input model for the address data.
  1. Examine the input address structure. You can run a profile to understand the source data. If a data steward is assigned to the data, you might also consult with the data steward.
  2. Select one of the following address models:
    • Discrete
      . The discrete input fields contain address information on a single data element, such as a house number, street, or post code.
    • Hybrid
      . The hybrid input fields can contain a single address element or multiple address elements.
    • Multiline
      . The multiline input model contains multiple address elements. Each input column corresponds to a line of an address.
For more information, see Input model.


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