B2B Data Exchange Accelerators provide a packaged B2B Data Exchange solution that addresses common business-to-business integration use cases for vertical industries, and reduces implementation effort.
The HIPAA Accelerator serves Healthcare Payers and Providers that need to connect to Regional Exchanges, or to the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (FFM), or need a HIPAA Message Gateway to integrate with their providers or with health care plan customers or employers.
The B2B Data Exchange HIPAA Accelerator is used to receive HIPAA X12 messages (inbound), and validate (HIPAA Level 1 and 2 validations) and parse them into Informatica canonical xml format. In the same manner, it is used to send HIPAA X12 messages (outbound), serialized from the canonical structure to the HIPAA X12 format
For more information about the Informatica canonical format, see the Data Transformation Libraries Guide.
HIPAA ASC X12 is an industry standard for administrative and financial health-care transactions. For more information about HIPAA, see the following websites: