HIPAA Accelerator Guide

HIPAA Accelerator Guide

Installing the HIPAA Accelerator

Installing the HIPAA Accelerator

Before you install the HIPAA Accelerator, ensure that you have a license with the HIPAA options and activate the license. Also ensure that you have installed the following programs:
  • Data Transformation 9.6.1 or 10.0
  • PowerCenter 9.6.1 or 10.0
  • B2B Data Exchange 9.6.1, 9.6.2 or 10.0
  • HIX or 10.0 Data Transformation Library
Follow these steps to install the HIPAA Accelerator:
  1. Unzip the HIPAA Accelerator installation .zip file, HIPAA_Accelerator.zip, to the directory c:\temp. The .zip file contains the following folders: DT_Services, DX_Partners, PowerCenter_Workflows, and Reports. Use these folders to install the HIPAA Accelerator on the Data Transformation machine, the B2B Data Exchange machine, and the PowerCenter Integration Service machine.
  2. Copy the files from the c:\temp\DT_Services folder to the <DTInstall_Dir>\DataTransformation\ServiceDB folder on the Informatica Data Transformation server machine.
  3. To define the endpoint file path, in the B2B Data Exchange Operation Console, in the
    , select the
    System Properties
    node under the
    node. In the
    System Properties
    view, define the property
    . The default value is the B2B Data Exchange installation directory.
  4. To import all the B2B Data Exchange data, perform the following steps on the B2B Data Exchange server machine:
    1. The HIPAA Accelerator contains definitions for a sample partner, sample endpoints, sample profiles and workflows, DX event types, DX event statuses and DX event attributes. The sample partner, endpoints and profiles can be used later as an example. To import them, run the following command on the B2B Data Exchange server machine:
      <Install_Dir>\DataExchange\dx-tools\import-all.bat -f C:\temp\DX_Partners\DX_HIPAA_Accelerator_export.xml -u <user_name> -p <password>.
      Note: The default behavior is to override the existing DX artifacts with the imported defaults. If you want to change that behavior, follow the DX installation and configuration document.
    2. Verify that
      LogiXML license
      (.lic) is installed under the <DXInstall_Dir> \apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard folder.
    3. To save the previous default Dashboard definitions, rename the file dxdashboard.lgx to another name, such as dxdashboard.lgxORG, in the directory <Install_Dir>\DataExchange\apache-tomcat-<version>\webapps\dx-dashboard\_Definitions\_Reports.
    4. To save the previous default dashboard, rename the file dx_default_dashboard.xml to another name, such as dx_default_dashboard.xmlORG, in the directory <Install_Dir>\DataExchange\apache-tomcat-<version>\webapps\dx-dashboard\dx\saved_dashboards.
    5. To update the new default dashboard, copy the dx_default_dashboard.xml file from the C:\temp\Reports\HIPAA_Accelerator_dashboard_extension\dx\saved_dashboards folder to <DXInstall_Dir> \apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard\dx\saved_dashboards.
    6. To update the default dashboard definitions and copy the new reports, copy all the files (including the new dxdashboard.lgx ) from C:\temp\Reports\HIPAA_Accelerator_dashboard_extension\_Definitions\_Reports to <DXInstall_Dir>\apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard\_Definitions\_Reports.
    7. To copy the new reports images, copy all the files from C:\temp\Reports\HIPAA_Accelerator_dashboard_extension\_SupportFiles to <DXInstall_Dir>\apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard\_SupportFiles.
    8. Copy _Settings.lgx from C:\temp\Reports\HIPAA_Accelerator_dashboard_extension\_Definitions to <DXInstall_Dir>\apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard\_Definitions.
    9. To enable the links of the reports, open the new _Settings.lgx file and search for
      . Modify
      to the name of the computer.
    10. To install the new HIPAA Accelerator dashboard, refresh the DX dashboard and press 'Restore Default Dashboard'.
    11. According to your preferences, modify the "Timeout for ACK (seconds)" profile parameter in the profiles and set the run interval of the monitor "Overdue". By Default the timeout is set to 86400 seconds and the monitor's run interval is set to one hour.
  5. The ODS Database should preferably be named "DX_ODS", since the ACKs reports are set by default to the DX_ODS Database. Otherwise, if you choose not to use this name, open the new file
    , and search for
    . Modify
    to the name of the ODS Database name used.
  6. Before importing the PowerCenter workflows into PowerCenter, create an application connection (inbound and outbound) for a JNDI connection. Specify the connection name as
    . The context factory value is
    . The provider URL is
    , where 18616 is the value of the AMQ port. If you changed the value of the AMQ port, change the URL accordingly.
  7. Then create the following application inbound connections for a JMS connection. The destination type is
    and the JMS connection factory value is
    Connection Name
    JMS Destination
    The name wf_HCO_IB is also the name of a workflow in B2B Data Exchange
  8. Next, create the following application outbound connections for a JMS connection. The destination type is
    and the JMS connection factory value is
    Connection Name
    JMS Destination
    The outbound connections include
    which you created in the previous step.
  9. Create a folder in the PowerCenter repository. Use the Repository Manager to import the workflows to that folder.
    1. Import wf_IB_Processing.xml PowerCenter workflow from the c:temp\PwC_ Workflows directory.
    2. Import wf_OB_Processing.xml PowerCenter workflow from the c:temp\PwC_ Workflows directory.
    3. Import wf_m_HCO_Claim_processing.xml PowerCenter workflow from the c:temp\PwC_ Workflows directory.
  10. From PowerCenter Workflow Manager open the created folder as follows:
    1. Drag wf_IB_Processing.xml to the workflow pane
    2. Assign a PowerCenter Integration Service
    3. Start the inbound workflow (wf_IB_Processing)
    4. Drag wf_OB_Processing.xml to the workflow pane
    5. Assign integration service
    6. Start the outbound workflow (wf_OB_Processing)
    7. Drag wf_m_HCO_Claim_Processing.xml to the workflow pane
    8. Assign integration service
    9. Start the outbound workflow (wf_m_HCO_Claim_Processing)


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