HIPAA Accelerator Guide

HIPAA Accelerator Guide

Updating the Dashboard

Updating the Dashboard

The dashboard can be updated in these ways.

Adding new reports

New reports can be added to an existing tab or a new tab.
  • To add a report in an existing tab, position the cursor on (on the right of the title tab), then left click on the icon and choose "add Panels". The panels' list will appear.
  • To add a report in a new tab, click on "add tab".

Restore default dashboard

Select the dashboard option "Restore Default Dashboard".

Create new default dashboard

To transform a current dashboard to the permanent default dashboard, rename dxdashboard999.xml located under <DXInstall_Dir> \apache-tomcat-7.0.55\webapps\dx-dashboard\dx\saved_dashboards to dx_default_dashboard.xml


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