The MQ Retrieve Message task retrieves all available messages from a queue or topic. Messages are retrieved through an existing MQ connection, which was created by the Open MQ Session Task.
The MQ Retrieve Message task can be placed in a Loop to re-check for new messages over the same open session. If you only want to retrieve messages meeting specific criteria based on their headers and property settings, use the Message Filter field on the Advanced tab.
The number of messages to retrieve can be limited by specifying a Retrieve Limit value on the Advanced tab.
The details (for example, the message properties, ID, priority, etc.) for each retrieved message can be stored in the Processed Messages output variable, on the Output Variables tab. This variable also stores the file path locations of where the message bodies were saved. The Processed Messages variable can then be used in a For Each loop to process each message individually. Refer to the MQ Message List for more information.
The Output Files variable, on the Output Variables tab, relates to the message body content. Use the Output Files variable to pass the file path locations of where the message bodies were saved to a task that will transfer them to a different location. (for example, a Copy, Move or FTP Put Task).