Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Audit Log Rules

Audit Log Rules

In some situations, not all events need to be logged from trusted connections. The purpose of the Audit Log Rules is to help minimize the size of your logs. The options on the Audit Log Rules page determine which event types can be excluded from the logs. The audit log rules can be configured to filter specific services or exclude logging events for certain IP addresses.
To administer Audit Log Rules, log in as an Admin User with the
Product Administrator
From the main menu bar, point to Logs and then click
Log Exemptions
. The Audit Log Rules page appears.
Filter the audit log rule list by selecting the Event Type from the drop-down list. Selecting an Event Type will only display those events on the page. Show all Events by selecting the blank line at the top of the Event Type drop-down list.


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