Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Call Remote Project Task

Call Remote Project Task

The Call Remote Project task allows you to call other Projects in remote
Managed File Transfer
Basic Tab
Specify a label for this task.
Informatica MFT Server
Select a pre-configured Informatica MFT Server from the drop-down list.
Specify the project on the remote system that is to be executed.
Specify the mode to execute the project in. Interactive mode means the current process will wait until the called project is finished before continuing. Batch means the project will be submitted and the current process will immediately continue executing.
Default Value: interactive
Job Queue
Specify the remote job queue to run within when executing in batch mode. If not specified, default queue will be used.
Job Name
Specify a name which identifies the Job. This name should be descriptive enough so Admin Users can quickly identify this Job from a report or list. The Job Name cannot exceed 50 characters. Spaces are allowed.
Specify the priority the remote project should have when being executed. Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive, with 1 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest priority.
Default Value: 5
Output Variables Tab
Job Number Variable
If desired, specify the name of a variable which will contain the job number of the executed project. The variable may be used in subsequent tasks. The variable will be created if it does not exist.
Status Code Variable
If desired, specify the name of a variable which will contain the status code of the executed project. The variable may be used in subsequent tasks. The variable will be created if it does not exist.
Message Variable
If desired, specify the name of a variable which will contain the message of the executed project. The variable may be used in subsequent tasks. The variable will be created if it does not exist.
Informatica Managed File Transfer Server Tab
Refer to the Informatica MFT Server Resource page for the Informatica MFT server field definitions.
Control Tab
The version of this task.
Log Level
Specify the level of logging to use while executing this task. Valid options are - silent, normal, verbose and debug.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module
Execute Only If
Specify a condition that must be satisfied before this task can be executed. This task will be skipped if the specified condition is not met.
Whether or not this task is disabled.
Default Value: false
On Error Tab
On Error
Specify the action to take when this task errors out. Valid options are - abort, continue, call:[module] and setVariable:[name]=[value]. For call:[module] replace [module] with the name of the module in the project (e.g. call:ErrorModule). For setVariable:[name]=[value] replace [name] with a variable name and [value] with the variable value (e.g. setVariable:error=true).
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module


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