Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Managed File Transfer User Guide

Close RowSet Task

Close RowSet Task

Although a RowSet is closed when a project finishes, you may want to close the RowSet before the Project finishes.
For instance, while the RowSet is open, it will maintain a lock on the file or database table. If the Project needs to perform an action on that file which requires write access, such as Move or Delete, it must first close the RowSet before it can perform that action and finish the Project successfully.


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