Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Viewing Metadata
  4. Searching Metadata
  5. Working with Shortcuts and Folders
  6. Editing Metadata
  7. Working with Data Lineage
  8. Sharing Metadata
  9. Business Glossaries
  10. Using the URL API
  11. Appendix A: Configure the Web Browser
  12. Appendix B: Glossary

Metadata Manager User Guide

Metadata Manager User Guide

Boosting a Search Keyword

Boosting a Search Keyword

Metadata Manager lists search results in the order of relevance. If you search for multiple keywords, you can boost a keyword so that Metadata Manager lists results using that keyword as more relevant.
To boost a keyword, use the caret character (^) with a number representing the boost factor after the keyword that you want to boost. The higher the boost factor, the more relevant the keyword is. For example, you are searching for Employee ID and you want the keyword ID to be more relevant. Use the following syntax:
Employee ID^4
By default, the boost factor is 1.


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