Metadata Manager
- Metadata Manager 10.5
- All Products
http[s]://<host name>:<port>/mm/lineage?objectPath=MM/<resource name>/ <metadata object path>/<metadata object name>&mode=<mode>
| Description
host name
| Required. Host name of the machine that runs the Metadata Manager application.
| Required. Port number of the Metadata Manager application.
resource name
| Required. Name of the resource in the metadata catalog or name of the business glossary.
metadata object path
| Required. Path to the metadata object in the metadata catalog.
The value of this argument must meet the following requirements:
metadata object name
| Required. Name of the metadata object in the metadata catalog or the name of the category or business term in a business glossary.
| Optional. Display mode for the metadata object, category, or business term:
Default is lineage.