Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Viewing Metadata
  4. Searching Metadata
  5. Working with Shortcuts and Folders
  6. Editing Metadata
  7. Working with Data Lineage
  8. Sharing Metadata
  9. Business Glossaries
  10. Using the URL API
  11. Appendix A: Configure the Web Browser
  12. Appendix B: Glossary

Metadata Manager User Guide

Metadata Manager User Guide

Working with Shortcuts and Folders Overview

Working with Shortcuts and Folders Overview

Shortcuts are pointers to metadata objects, categories, business terms, and saved search queries in Metadata Manager. Use shortcuts and folders to organize objects. When you browse or search objects, you can create shortcuts to the objects and store the shortcuts in folders. You can then share folders with other Metadata Manager users. Use shortcuts to view commonly accessed objects. Use folders to group shortcuts for objects in a project.
For example, you want to analyze a set of Oracle tables and views for an Oracle resource. To avoid browsing the entire metadata catalog to access a particular table or view, create shortcuts to the Oracle tables and views that you are interested in.
You manage shortcuts and folders in the Shortcuts view. The Shortcuts view includes native folders and the shortcuts and folders you create. From the Shortcuts view, you can add and edit shortcuts and create, edit, share, and search folders.
Use the Shortcuts view to complete the following tasks:
  • Manage shortcuts.
    Create shortcuts to metadata objects, add metadata objects to shortcuts, and edit existing documents.
  • Manage folders.
    Create folders to organize metadata objects, edit folder properties, delete folders, and share folders with other users.
After you create or configure a shortcut or folder, you can move it to a different folder. Select the shortcut or folder and drag it to the new location.


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