Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Product Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Tutorial Lesson 1
  5. Tutorial Lesson 2
  6. Tutorial Lesson 3
  7. Tutorial Lesson 4
  8. Tutorial Lesson 5
  9. Tutorial Lesson 6
  10. Naming Conventions
  11. Glossary

Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating Source Definitions

Creating Source Definitions

Now that you have created the source tables with sample data, you are ready to create the source definitions in the repository. The repository contains a description of source tables, not the actual data contained in them. After you add these source definitions to the repository, you use them in a mapping.
  1. In the Designer, click
    Source Analyzer
    to open the Source Analyzer.
  2. Double-click the tutorial folder to view its contents.
    Every folder contains nodes for sources, targets, schemas, mappings, mapplets, cubes, dimensions, user-defined functions, and transformations.
  3. Click
    Import from Database
  4. From the
    ODBC data source
    button, select the ODBC data source that you created to access source tables.
  5. Enter the user name and password to connect to this database. Also, enter the name of the source table owner, if necessary.
    Use the database connection information you entered in PowerCenter Source and Target.
    In Oracle, the owner name is the same as the user name. Make sure that the owner name is in all caps. For example, JDOE.
  6. Click
  7. In the Select tables list, expand the database owner and the TABLES heading.
    A list of all the tables you created by running the SQL script appears in addition to any tables already in the database.
  8. Select the following tables:
    • ITEMS
    • JOBS
    • ORDERS
    • STORES
    Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple tables. Or, hold down the SHIFT key to select a block of tables. You may need to scroll down the list of tables to select all tables.
    Database objects created in Informix databases have shorter names than those created in other types of databases. For example, the name of the table ITEMS_IN_PROMOTIONS is shortened to ITEMS_IN_PROMO.
  9. Click
    to import the source definitions into the repository.
    The Designer displays the newly imported sources in the workspace. You can click
    Scale To Fit
    to arrange all definitions in the workplace.
    The following image shows the Designer with the newly imported sources in the workspace:
    A database definition (DBD) node appears under the Sources node in the tutorial folder. This entry has the same name as the ODBC data source that you used to import sources. If you double-click the DBD node, the list of all the imported sources appears.


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