Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Product Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Tutorial Lesson 1
  5. Tutorial Lesson 2
  6. Tutorial Lesson 3
  7. Tutorial Lesson 4
  8. Tutorial Lesson 5
  9. Tutorial Lesson 6
  10. Naming Conventions
  11. Glossary

Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating the Workflow

Creating the Workflow

You can group sessions in a workflow to improve performance or ensure that targets load in a set order. In the following steps, you create a workflow that runs the sessions s_PhoneList and s_ItemSummary concurrently.
  1. Click
    Workflow Designer
  2. Click
    to create a new workflow.
    If a workflow is already open, the workspace is cleared.
    The workflow properties appear.
  3. Name the workflow wf_ItemSummary_PhoneList.
  4. Click the
    button to select an Integration Service to run the workflow.
    Integration Service Browser
    dialog box appears.
  5. Select an Integration Service and click
  6. Click the
    tab and select
    Write Backward Compatible Workflow Log File
    The default name of the workflow log file is wf_ItemSummary_PhoneList.log.
  7. Click the
    By default, the workflow is scheduled to run on demand. Keep this default.
  8. Click
    to close the
    Create Workflow
    dialog box.
    The Workflow Manager creates a workflow in the workspace including the Start task.
  9. From the Navigator, drag the s_ItemSummary session to the workspace. Then, drag the s_PhoneList session to the workspace.
  10. Click the
    Link Task
    button on the toolbar.
  11. Drag from the Start task to the s_ItemSummary Session task.
  12. Drag from the Start task to the s_PhoneList Session task.
    The following image shows the workflow wf_ItemSummary_PhoneList:
    The Start task connects to the s_ItemSummary and s_PhoneList Session tasks.
    By default, when you link both sessions directly to the Start task, the Integration Service runs both sessions at the same time when you run the workflow. If you want the Integration Service to run the sessions one after the other, connect the Start task to one session, and connect that session to the other session.
  13. Click
    to save the workflow in the repository.
    You can now run and monitor the workflow.


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