- PowerCenter 10.5.4
- All Products
| Description
Data Integration Service name
| Name of the Data Integration Service to create in the Informatica domain.
HTTP protocol type
| Type of connection to the Data Integration Service. Select one of the following options:
HTTP port
| Port number to use for the Data Integration Service. Default is 9085.
HTTPS port
| Port number to use for the Data Integration Service. Default is 9085.
| Description
Use the default Informatica SSL certificate files
| Use the default Informatica SSL certificates contained in the default keystore and truststore.
If you do not provide an SSL certificate, Informatica uses the same default private key for all Informatica installations. If you use the default Informatica keystore and truststore files, the security of your domain could be compromised. To ensure a high level of security for the domain, select the option to specify the location of the SSL certificate files.
Use custom SSL certificates
| Use custom SSL certificates. You must specify the location of the keystore and truststore files.
You can provide a self-signed certificate or a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA). You must provide SSL certificates in PEM format and in Java Keystore (JKS) files. Informatica requires specific names for the SSL certificate files for the Informatica domain. You must use the same SSL certificates for all nodes in the domain. Store the truststore and keystore files in a directory accessible to all the nodes in the domain and specify the same keystore file directory and truststore file directory for all nodes in the same domain.
| Description
Keystore file directory
| Directory that contains the keystore files. The directory must contain files named infa_keystore.jks and infa_keystore.pem.
Keystore password
| Password for the keystore infa_keystore.jks.
Truststore file directory
| Directory that contains the truststore files. The directory must contain files named infa_truststore.jks and infa_truststore.pem.
Truststore password
| Password for the infa_truststore.jks file.