- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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| Default Value
| Description
TDPID | n/a | Teradata database ID. |
Database Name | n/a | Optional database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database name defined in the mapping. |
Error Limit | 0 | Limits the number of rows rejected for errors. When the error limit is exceeded, TPump rolls back the transaction that causes the last error. An error limit of 0 causes TPump to stop processing after any error. |
Checkpoint | 15 | Number of minutes between checkpoints. You must set the checkpoint to a value between 0 and 60. |
Tenacity | 4 | Amount of time, in hours, TPump tries to log in to the required sessions. If a login fails, TPump delays for the number of minutes specified in the Sleep attribute, and then retries the login. TPump keeps trying until the login succeeds or the number of hours specified in the Tenacity attribute elapses. To disable Tenacity, set the value to 0. |
Load Mode | Upsert | Mode to generate SQL commands: Insert, Delete, Update, Upsert, or Data Driven. When you select Data Driven loading, the Integration Service follows instructions in an Update Strategy or Custom transformation to determine how to flag rows for insert, delete, or update. The Integration Service writes a column in the target file or named pipe to indicate the update strategy. The control file uses these values to determine how to load data to the database. The Integration Service uses the following values to indicate the update strategy: 0 - Insert 1 - Update 2 - Delete |
Drop Error Tables | Enabled | Drops the TPump error tables before beginning the next session. Select this option to drop the tables, or clear it to keep them. |
External Loader Executable | tpump | Name and optional file path of the Teradata external loader executable. If the external loader executable directory is not in the system path, you must enter the full path. |
Max Sessions | 1 | Maximum number of TPump sessions per TPump job. Each partition in a session starts its own TPump job. Running multiple TPump sessions causes the client and database to use more resources. Therefore, setting this value to a small number may improve performance. |
Sleep | 6 | Number of minutes TPump waits before retrying a login. TPump tries until the login succeeds or the number of hours specified in the Tenacity attribute elapses. |
Packing Factor | 20 | Number of rows that each session buffer holds. Packing improves network/channel efficiency by reducing the number of sends and receives between the target flat file and the Teradata database. |
Statement Rate | 0 | Initial maximum rate, per minute, at which the TPump executable sends statements to the Teradata database. If you set this attribute to 0, the statement rate is unspecified. |
Serialize | Disabled | Determines whether or not operations on a given key combination (row) occur serially. You may want to enable this if the TPump job contains multiple changes to one row. Sessions that contain multiple partitions with the same key range but different filter conditions may cause multiple changes to a single row. In this case, you may want to enable Serialize to prevent locking conflicts in the Teradata database, especially if you set the Pack attribute to a value greater than 1. If you enable Serialize, the Integration Service uses the primary key specified in the target table as the Key column. If no primary key exists in the target table, you must either clear this option or indicate the Key column in the data layout section of the control file. |
Robust | Disabled | When Robust is not selected, it signals TPump to use simple restart logic. In this case, restarts cause TPump to begin at the last checkpoint. TPump reloads any data that was loaded after the checkpoint. This method does not have the extra overhead of the additional database writes in the robust logic. |
No Monitor | Enabled | When selected, this attribute prevents TPump from checking for statement rate changes from, or update status information for, the TPump monitor application. |
Is Staged | Disabled | Method of loading data. Select Is Staged to load data to a flat file staging area before loading to the database. Otherwise, the data is loaded to the database using a named pipe. |
Error Database | n/a | Error database name. Use this attribute to override the default error database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database. |
Log Table Database | n/a | Log table database name. Use this attribute to override the default log table database name. If you do not specify a database name, the Integration Service uses the target table database. |
User Variables | n/a | User-defined variable used in the default control file. |
| Default Value
| Description
Error Table | n/a | Error table name. Use this attribute to override the default error table name. If you do not specify an error table name, the Integration Service uses ET_<target_table_name><partition_number>. |
Log Table | n/a | Log table name. Use this attribute to override the default log table name. If you do not specify a log table name, the Integration Service uses TL_<target_table_name><partition_number>. |
Control File Content Override | n/a | Control file text. Use this attribute to override the control file the Integration Service uses when it loads to Teradata. |