You can create variables within a workflow. When you create a variable in a workflow, it is valid only in that workflow. Use the variable in tasks within that workflow. You can edit and delete user-defined workflow variables.
Use user-defined variables when you need to make a workflow decision based on criteria you specify. For example, you create a workflow to load data to an orders database nightly. You also need to load a subset of this data to headquarters periodically, every tenth time you update the local orders database. Create separate sessions to update the local database and the one at headquarters.
The following figure shows the workflow:
Workflow Using Workflow Variable
Use a user-defined variable to determine when to run the session that updates the orders database at headquarters.
To configure user-defined workflow variables, complete the following steps:
Create a persistent workflow variable, $$WorkflowCount, to represent the number of times the workflow has run.
Add a Start task and both sessions to the workflow.
Place a Decision task after the session that updates the local orders database.
Set up the decision condition to check to see if the number of workflow runs is evenly divisible by 10. Use the modulus (MOD) function to do this.
Create an Assignment task to increment the $$WorkflowCount variable by one.
Link the Decision task to the session that updates the database at headquarters when the decision condition evaluates to true. Link it to the Assignment task when the decision condition evaluates to false.
When you configure workflow variables using conditions, the session that updates the local database runs every time the workflow runs. The session that updates the database at headquarters runs every 10th time the workflow runs.