- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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void INFA_InitSessionLog(void ** dllContext, const INFA_UNICHAR * sServerName, const INFA_UNICHAR * sFolderName, const INFA_UNICHAR * sWorkflowName, const INFA_UNICHAR * sessionHierName[]);
| Data Type
| Description
dllContext | Unspecified | User-defined information specific to the shared library. This parameter is passed to all functions in subsequent function calls. You can use this parameter to store information related to network connection or to allocate memory needed during the course of handling the session log output. The shared library must allocate and deallocate any memory associated with this parameter. |
sServerName | unsigned short | Name of the Integration Service running the session. |
sFolderName | unsigned short | Name of the folder that contains the session. |
sWorkflowName | unsigned short | Name of the workflow associated with the session |
sessionHierName[] | unsigned short array | Array that contains the session hierarchy. The array includes the repository, workflow, and worklet (if any) to which the session belongs. The size of the array divided by the size of the pointer equals the number of array elements. |