- PowerCenter 10.5.7
- All Products
| Repeatable Data
Aggregator | Always. |
Application Source Qualifier | Based on input order. |
Custom | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Data Masking | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. To produce repeatable data, configure repeatable masking or key masking for each port. |
Expression | Based on input order. |
External Procedure | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Filter | Based on input order. |
HTTP | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Joiner | Based on input order. |
Java | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Lookup, dynamic | Always. The lookup source must be the same as a target in the session. |
Lookup, static | Based on input order. |
MQ Source Qualifier | Always. |
Normalizer, pipeline | Based on input order. |
Normalizer, VSAM | Always. The normalizer generates source data in the form of unique primary keys. When you resume a session the session might generate different key values than if it completed successfully. |
Rank | Always. |
Router | Based on input order. |
Sequence Generator | Always. The Integration Service stores the current value to the repository. |
Sorter, configured for distinct output rows | Always. |
Sorter, not configured for distinct output rows | Based on input order. |
Source Qualifier, flat file | Always. |
Source Qualifier, relational | Based on input order. Configure the transformation according to the source data. The Integration Service stages the data if the data is not repeatable. |
SQL Transformation | Based on input order. Configure the transformation according to the source data. |
Stored Procedure | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Transaction Control | Based on input order. |
Union | Never. |
Unstructured Data | Based on input order. Configure the property according to the transformation procedure behavior. |
Update Strategy | Based on input order. |
XML Generator | Always. |
XML Parser | Based on input order. Configure the transformation according to the source data. |
XML Source Qualifier | Always. |