I am trying to set up a session to load data to an external loader, but I cannot select an external loader connection in the session properties.
Verify that the mapping contains a relational target. When you create the session, select a file writer in the Writers settings of the Mapping tab in the session properties. Then open the Connections settings and select an external loader connection.
I am trying to run a session that uses TPump, but the session fails. The session log displays an error saying that the Teradata output file name is too long.
The Integration Service uses the Teradata output file name to generate names for the TPump error and log files and the log table name. To generate these names, the Integration Service adds a prefix of several characters to the output file name. It adds three characters for sessions with one partition and five characters for sessions with multiple partitions.
Teradata allows log table names of up to 30 characters. Because the Integration Service adds a prefix, if you are running a session with a single partition, specify a target output file name with a maximum of 27 characters, including the file extension. If you are running a session with multiple partitions, specify a target output file name with a maximum of 25 characters, including the file extension.
I tried to load data to Teradata using TPump, but the session failed. I corrected the error, but the session still fails.
Occasionally, Teradata does not drop the log table when you rerun the session. Check the Teradata database, and manually drop the log table if it exists. Then rerun the session.