Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Pipeline Partitioning
  3. Partition Points
  4. Partition Types
  5. Pushdown Optimization
  6. Pushdown Optimization and Transformations
  7. Real-time Processing
  8. Commit Points
  9. Row Error Logging
  10. Workflow Recovery
  11. Stopping and Aborting
  12. Concurrent Workflows
  13. Grid Processing
  14. Load Balancer
  15. Workflow Variables
  16. Parameters and Variables in Sessions
  17. Parameter Files
  18. FastExport
  19. External Loading
  20. FTP
  21. Session Caches
  22. Incremental Aggregation
  23. Session Log Interface
  24. Understanding Buffer Memory
  25. High Precision Data

Advanced Workflow Guide

Advanced Workflow Guide

Configuring IBM DB2 EEE External Loader Attributes

Configuring IBM DB2 EEE External Loader Attributes

You can configure the IBM DB2 EEE external loader to use different loading modes when loading to the database. Loading modes determine how the IBM DB2 EEE external loader loads data across partitions in the database. You can configure the IBM DB2 EEE external loader to use the following loading modes:
  • Split and load.
    Partitions the data and loads it simultaneously using the corresponding database partitions.
  • Split only.
    Partitions the data and writes the output to files in the specified split file directory.
  • Load only.
    Does not partition the data. It loads data in existing split files using the corresponding database partitions.
  • Analyze.
    Generates an optimal partitioning map with even distribution across all database partitions. If you run the external loader in split and load mode after you run it in analyze mode, the external loader uses the optimal partitioning map to partition the data.
The IBM DB2 EEE external loader creates multiple logs based on the number of database partitions it loads to. For each partition, the external loader appends a number corresponding to the partition number to the external loader log file name. The IBM DB2 EEE external loader log file format is
The Integration Service does not archive or overwrite IBM DB2 EEE external loader logs. If an external loader log of the same name exists when the external loader runs, the external loader appends new external loader log messages to the end of the existing external loader log file. You must manually archive or delete the external loader log files.
For information about IBM DB2 EEE external loader return codes, see the IBM DB2 documentation.
The following table describes attributes for IBM DB2 EEE external loader connections:
Default Value
IBM DB2 external loader operation mode. Select one of the following operation modes:
  • Insert
  • Replace
  • Restart
  • Terminate
External Loader Executable
Name of the IBM DB2 EEE external loader executable file.
Split File Location
Location of the split files. The external loader creates split files if you configure SPLIT_ONLY loading mode.
Output Nodes
Database partitions on which the load operation is to be performed.
Split Nodes
Database partitions that determine how to split the data. If you do not specify this attribute, the external loader determines an optimal splitting method.
Split and load
Loading mode the external loader uses to load the data. Select one of the following loading modes:
  • Split and load
  • Split only
  • Load only
  • Analyze
Max Num Splitters
Maximum number of splitter processes.
Forces the external loader operation to continue even if it determines at startup time that some target partitions or tablespaces are offline.
Status Interval
Number of megabytes of data the external loader loads before writing a progress message to the external loader log. Specify a value between 1 and 4,000 MB.
Range of TCP ports the external loader uses to create sockets for internal communications with the IBM DB2 server.
Check Level
Checks for record truncation during input or output.
Map File Input
Name of the file that specifies the partitioning map. To use a customized partitioning map, specify this attribute. Generate a customized partitioning map when you run the external loader in Analyze loading mode.
Map File Output
Name of the partitioning map when you run the external loader in Analyze loading mode. You must specify this attribute if you want to run the external loader in Analyze loading mode.
Number of rows the external loader traces when you need to review a dump of the data conversion process and output of hashing values.
Is Staged
Method of loading data. Select Is Staged to load data to a flat file staging area before loading to the database. Otherwise, the data is loaded to the database using a named pipe.
Date Format
Date format. Must match the date format you define in the target definition. IBM DB2 supports the following date formats:

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