You can optimize session performance by using the database partitioning partition type for source and target databases. When you use source database partitioning, the Integration Service queries the database system for table partition information and fetches data into the session partitions. When you use target database partitioning, the Integration Service loads data into corresponding database partition nodes.
Use database partitioning for Oracle and IBM DB2 sources and IBM DB2 targets. Use any number of pipeline partitions and any number of database partitions. However, you can improve performance when the number of pipeline partitions equals the number of database partitions.
Database partitioning can improve performance for IBM DB2 sources and targets that use range partitioning.
For Oracle sources that use composite partitioning, you can improve performance when the number of pipeline partitions equals the number of database subpartitions. For example, if an Oracle source contains three partitions and two subpartitions for each partition, set the number of pipeline partitions at the source to six.