Use the following rules and guidelines when pushing functions to Snowflake:
To push the TRUNC(DATE) or TO_CHAR() function to the Snowflake database, you must define the date and format arguments.
The Snowflake aggregate functions accept only one argument, which is a field set for the aggregate function. The PowerCenter Integration Service ignores any filter condition defined in the argument. Ensure that all fields mapped to the target are listed in the GROUP BY clause.
When you push the SYSTIMESTAMP() or SYSDATE() functions to the Snowflake database, do not specify any format. The Snowflake database returns the complete time stamp.
You cannot push the TO_BIGINT() or TO_INTEGER() function with more than one argument to the Snowflake database.
When you push the REPLACECHR() or REPLACESTR() function to the Snowflake database, the PowerCenter Integration Service ignores the caseFlag argument.
For example, both REPLACECHR(false, in_F_CHAR, 'a', 'b') and REPLACECHR(true, in_F_CHAR, 'a', 'b') arguments return the same value.
You cannot use millisecond and microsecond values when you push functions to the Snowflake database.
You can use nanosecond values in the ADD_TO_DATE() and TRUNC(DATE) functions.
To push the TRUNC(DATE), GET_DATE_PART(), or DATE_DIFF() functions to the Snowflake database, you must use D, DDD, HH, MI, MM, SS, and YYYY time formats as arguments.