Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflow Manager
  3. Workflows and Worklets
  4. Sessions
  5. Session Configuration Object
  6. Tasks
  7. Sources
  8. Targets
  9. Connection Objects
  10. Validation
  11. Scheduling and Running Workflows
  12. Sending Email
  13. Workflow Monitor
  14. Workflow Monitor Details
  15. Session and Workflow Logs
  16. Appendix A: Session Properties Reference
  17. Appendix B: Workflow Properties Reference

Workflow Basics Guide

Workflow Basics Guide

Configuring Target Properties

Configuring Target Properties

You can configure session properties for flat file targets in the Properties settings on the Mapping tab, and in the General Options settings on the Properties tab.
Define the properties for each target instance in the session.
The following table describes the properties you define on the Mapping tab for flat file target definitions:
Target Properties
Merge Type
Type of merge the Integration Service performs on the data for partitioned targets.
Merge File Directory
Name of the merge file directory. By default, the Integration Service writes the merge file in the service process variable directory, $PMTargetFileDir.
If you enter a full directory and file name in the Merge File Name field, clear this field.
Merge File Name
Name of the merge file. Default is
.out. This property is required if you select a merge type.
Append if Exists
Appends the output data to the target files and reject files for each partition. Appends output data to the merge file if you merge the target files. You cannot use this option for target files that are non-disk files, such as FTP target files.
If you do not select this option, the Integration Service truncates each target file before writing the output data to the target file. If the file does not exist, the Integration Service creates it.
Create Directory if Not Exists
Creates the target directory if it does not exist.
Header Options
Create a header row in the file target. You can choose the following options:
  • No Header. Do not create a header row in the flat file target.
  • Output Field Names. Create a header row in the file target with the output port names.
  • Use header command output. Use the command in the Header Command field to generate a header row. For example, you can use a command to add the date to a header row for the file target.
Default is No Header.
Header Command
Command used to generate the header row in the file target.
Footer Command
Command used to generate a footer row in the file target.
Output Type
Type of target for the session. Select File to write the target data to a file target. Select Command to output data to a command. You cannot select Command for FTP or Queue target connections.
Merge Command
Command used to process the output data from all partitioned targets.
Output File Directory
Name of output directory for a flat file target. By default, the Integration Service writes output files in the service process variable directory, $PMTargetFileDir.
If you specify both the directory and file name in the Output Filename field, clear this field. The Integration Service concatenates this field with the Output Filename field when it runs the session.
You can also use the $OutputFile
session parameter to specify the file directory.
Output File Name
File name, or file name and path of the flat file target. Optionally, use the $OutputFile
session parameter for the file name. By default, the Workflow Manager names the target file based on the target definition used in the mapping:
.out. The Integration Service concatenates this field with the Output File Directory field when it runs the session.
If the target definition contains a slash character, the Workflow Manager replaces the slash character with an underscore.
When you use an external loader to load to an Oracle database, you must specify a file extension. If you do not specify a file extension, the Oracle loader cannot find the flat file and the Integration Service fails the session.
If you specify an absolute path file name when using FTP, the Integration Service ignores the Default Remote Directory specified in the FTP connection. When you specify an absolute path file name, do not use single or double quotes.
Reject File Directory
Name of the directory for the reject file. By default, the Integration Service writes all reject files to the service process variable directory, $PMBadFileDir.
If you specify both the directory and file name in the Reject File Name field, clear this field. The Integration Service concatenates this field with the Reject File Name field when it runs the session.
You can also use the $BadFile
session parameter to specify the file directory.
Reject File Name
File name, or file name and path of the reject file. By default, the Integration Service names the reject file after the target instance name:
.bad. Optionally use the $BadFile
session parameter for the file name.
The Integration Service concatenates this field with the Reject File Directory field when it runs the session. For example, if you have
in the Reject File Directory field, and enter “filename.bad” in the Reject Filename field, the Integration Service writes rejected rows to
Command used to process the target data.
Set File Properties link
Defines flat file properties.
Set the file properties when you output to a flat file using a relational target definition in the mapping.


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