Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

User Exit Program Result Set

User Exit Program Result Set

The user exit program returns a result set that consists of statements separated by semicolons.
For example, the sample user exit program in C that is provided in the SRCLIB library returns the following result set:
char results_set_without_terminators[] = { "ADA,DBID=8242,FILENUM=104,ActionFlag=1,ActionValue=12345678;" "ADA,DBID=8242,FILENUM=105,ActionFlag=1,ActionValue=12345678;" "ADA,DBID=8262,FILENUM=105,ActionFlag=1,ActionValue=12345678;" "ADA,DBID=0,FILENUM=0,ActionFlag=1,ActionValue=87654321;" };
Each statement in the result set contains the following comma-separated fields:
  • ADA. Required. Identifies the source type to which the user exit program applies. ADA is the only supported value.
  • DBID=
    . Optional. The database ID of a database that is protected by an Adabas cipher code. If DBID is not specified or is equal to 0, the cipher code applies to all DBIDs.
    . Optional. The file number of an Adabas file that is protected by an Adabas cipher code. If FILENUM is not specified or is equal to 0, the cipher code applies to all FILENUM numbers.
  • ActionFlag=
    . Required. The type of action that the user exit performs. A value of 1 indicates the decryption of data by using an Adabas cipher code.
  • ActionValue=
    . Required. An Adabas cipher code of up to eight numeric digits.
For example, the following statement identifies a cipher code to be used only for the Adabas database with database ID 83:
The following statement omits the DBID value to indicate that the cipher code is to be used with all Adabas databases on the z/OS system:
In both examples, because no FILENUM value is provided, the cipher code applies to all ciphered Adabas files in the database.


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