Considerations for DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
Considerations for DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
The following considerations apply to DB2 for i5/OS bulk data movement operations:
The maximum length of a DB2 for i5/OS record, excluding LOB columns, that you can include in a PowerExchange bulk data movement operation is 32,766 bytes. If the record contains variable length or nullable columns, DB2 adds additional bytes to the record. With these additional bytes, the combined length of all columns still cannot exceed 32,766 bytes. For more information, see the DB2 for i5/OS documentation.
The maximum length of a DB2 for i5/OS record, including LOB columns, that you can include in a PowerExchange bulk data movement operation is 8 MB. The following restrictions apply to records that contains LOB columns:
You cannot access the data by using an NRDB SEQ data map or a DB2 data map.
You cannot perform an insert into a target table that contains LOB columns.
You can use the SUBSTRING command to reduce the amount of data that PowerExchange reads from a LOB column. Use a statement such as the following one:
select SUBSTRING(LOBVALUE,1,900) from myschema.mytable
For DB2 for i5/OS bulk data movement operations that use the DB2 access method, PowerExchange uses a DB2 multiple-row FETCH statement to retrieve multiple rows of data at a time from a source table. This feature can help improve performance by reducing the number of database accesses for reading source data. By default, 25 rows are retrieved. In PowerCenter, you can configure the number of rows retrieved by setting the
Array Size
attribute on a PWX DB2i5OS relational connection used by PWXPC.
PowerExchange dynamically lowers the array size when all the following conditions are true:
The database type is DB2.
The table contains LOB columns.
Array Size
value is greater than 1.
Row size *
Array Size
is greater than 16000000 bytes.
If these conditions are met, PowerExchange reduces the array size and logs message PWX-00186 on both the client and PowerExchange Listener machines.
To propagate the Relative Record Number (RRN) values of records in a DB2 for i5/OS source file, create a data map that has an access method of SEQ and add a user-defined field that is populated by the PowerExchange GetDatabaseKey() expression function. This function populates the user-defined field with the RRN of the source record.
Bulk data movement supports Row and Column Access Control (RCAC) rules that database administrators can create to control the visibility of sensitive DB2 data. These rules were introduced in DB2 for i5/OS 7.2.