Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

LOGPATH Statement

LOGPATH Statement

The LOGPATH statement specifies the path to a directory on a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system for storing PowerExchange message log files.
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Enter the full path to the directory for storing message log files.
To specify a Windows network path, use three leading backslashes (\\\) so that PowerExchange can parse the network path correctly. For example:
LOGPATH=\\\host\Shared Folders\C\CDC_SHARED\msglogs
Default location is the current working directory.
  • Informatica recommends that you specify a directory that is separate from your current working directory so that you can find the message log files more easily.
  • If you also specify a value in the DETAIL_LOGPATH environment variable, the environment variable overrides the LOGPATH statement.


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