DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement with Nonrelational Source Definitions
DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement with Nonrelational Source Definitions
You can define a DB2 for z/OS data source as a nonrelational source. Use this approach with the following DB2 for z/OS data sources:
DB2 unload files
DB2 tables that contain columns that you want to split into multiple fields
DB2 tables for which you want to define fields that use one or more PowerExchange functions in an expression to process source data
DB2 tables that contain columns for which you want to change the data type, such as a column that is defined as CHARACTER but contains binary data
If you want PowerCenter to treat a DB2 for z/OS data source as a nonrelational source, create a data map in the PowerExchange Navigator and then import the data map into PowerCenter.