Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Pipeline Partitions in Bulk Data Movement Sessions

Pipeline Partitions in Bulk Data Movement Sessions

You can use pipeline partitioning at reader and writer partition points in bulk data movement sessions to improve performance. With partitioning enabled, the sessions can process data across multiple partitions concurrently.
You can configure reader partitions, writer partitions, or both. For reader partitioning, alternative partitioning schemes are available, which cover some or all data sources. For writer partitioning, you must use pass-through partitioning with VSAM or sequential file targets.
Reader and writer partitioning schemes follow standard PowerCenter pipeline partitioning behavior. If you enable either reader or writer partitioning, PowerCenter uses partitions throughout the entire pipeline. If you change the number of partitions at one stage in the pipeline, PowerCenter updates the partition count at all other stages to match. For more information about pipeline partitioning, see the
PowerCenter Advanced Workflow Guide


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