Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Setting Up a Netport Job for IDMS Bulk Data Movement

Setting Up a Netport Job for IDMS Bulk Data Movement

If the SECURITY statement in the DBMOVER configuration member is set to 2, you must use a netport job to run an IDMS bulk data movement job. A SECURITY setting of 2 requires your z/OS security management system, for example, RACF, to verify the logon user ID of each user application that attempts to access IDMS data.
To set up a netport job for access to an IDMS data source, use the sample netport job in the TAPEJCL member of the RUNLIB library as a template.
To set up a netport job for IDMS bulk data movement:
  1. Copy the TAPEJCL member to create a basis for the IDMS netport job.
  2. If you are not using the z/OS PC services routine, verify that the PowerExchange copies of the IDMS load libraries,
    .IDMS.DBA.LOADLIB, are specified in the STEPLIB DD statement of the netport JCL.
  3. Add the following DD statement to the IDMS netport job:
  4. Verify that the relevant SYSCTL statement is included in the netport JCL if you are running an IDMS Central Version, or verify that the following DD statements are included in the netport job if you are running IDMS in Local mode:
    The IDMSDICT and IDMSFILE members require the relevant dictionary definitions and database file definitions.
  5. In the DBMOVER configuration member, edit the LISTENER and NETPORT statements that are supplied for TAPEJCL. In each statement, enter a valid port number for the netport job. In the NETPORT statement, assign the netport job member to the specified port.
    If you want to run a database row test from the PowerExchange Navigator to read IDMS data, also add a NODE statement to the dbmover.cfg on the system where the PowerExchange Navigator runs, for example:
    Edit other statements, as needed.
  6. If you are using the z/OS PC services routine, specify
    in the DBMOVER configuration member that the netport job uses. Also add a DTLLOAD DD statement to the netport job that points to the system IDMS load libraries, not to the PowerExchange copies of these libraries.
  7. Restart the PowerExchange Listener so that PowerExchange detects the netport job.


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