Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Glossary
  3. Finding Glossary Content
  4. Glossary Content Management
  5. Approval Workflow
  6. Glossary Administration
  7. User and Role Administration
  8. Appendix A: Glossary Asset Properties

Business Glossary Guide

Business Glossary Guide

Search Filter Properties

Search Filter Properties

You can apply filters to search for an asset in the search results.
The following table describes the filter properties:
A search expression to filter assets in the asset list. You can use enter keywords or keyword phrases as the search expression.
You can use the * and ? wildcard characters in a search to represent characters in the search string. Ensure that you do not use the * character at the beginning of the search string and that you use the wildcard character with at least one other character.
Use the + operator to include both search terms. Use space to include either one of the search terms. Ensure that there is no extra space between the operator and the search term. For example, enter +customer and not + customer.
Use quotes to search for the exact search string. For example, if the search term contains a special character, you can enclose the term within quotes for an exact match.
Time (Last Updated)
Time that the asset was last updated. You can select the following times:
  • From the beginning
  • Past 1 hour
  • Past 24 hours
  • Past week
  • Past month
  • Past year
Created By
Name of the user who created at least one asset in the asset list. Select
to select all users.


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