Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Glossary
  3. Finding Glossary Content
  4. Glossary Content Management
  5. Approval Workflow
  6. Glossary Administration
  7. User and Role Administration
  8. Appendix A: Glossary Asset Properties

Business Glossary Guide

Business Glossary Guide

Published or Rejected Phase

Published or Rejected Phase

The data steward can publish or reject an asset based on the outcome of the review by the stakeholder. The phase of the asset changes to
based on the action the data steward performs.
After the data steward publishes the asset, glossary consumers can look up the asset in the
workspace. Glossary consumers cannot see rejected assets. The data steward can create a new version of a published or rejected asset to make modifications to the asset properties.
The following image shows the tasks that the data steward performs to publish or reject an asset:
The data steward performs the following tasks:
  1. If the stakeholder approves the asset, the data steward publishes the asset. The phase changes to
  2. If the stakeholder does not approve the asset, the data steward rejects the asset. The phase changes to


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