Table of Contents


  1. Introduction to Data Discovery
  2. Data Discovery with Informatica Analyst
  3. Data Discovery with Informatica Developer
  4. Function Support Based on Profiling Warehouse Connection

Data Discovery Guide

Data Discovery Guide



An outlier is a pattern, value, or frequency for a column in the profile results that does not fall within an expected range of values.
The profiling plug-in the Data Integration Service runs an algorithm to identify the values that do not fall within the range of the majority of values in the column. Any pattern, value, or frequency that does not fall within the expected range of these majority values in the column is an outlier.
By default, the Analyst tool does not determine outliers in the profile results. In the summary view, you can run the outlier to view the outlier results. The Pattern outlier filter displays the outliers based on the patterns in the column. The Value Frequency outlier filter displays the outliers based on the values or frequencies in the column. The outlier detection occurs in the background so that you can perform other actions in the summary view.
In the detailed view, you can view the outlier values in the Values pane when you select the
Highlight On
option from the list. The outlier value appears as a vertical bar with an orange underline. To view only the outlier value, you must select the
option from the list.
The image shows the outlier values in the detailed view.
  1. Outlier values. An outlier value appears as a vertical bar with an orange underline.


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