Use a column profile to analyze the characteristics of columns in a data source, such as value percentages and value patterns. You can add filters to determine the rows that the profile reads at run time. The profile does not process rows that do not meet the filter criteria.
You can discover the following types of information about the columns that you run a profile on:
The number of times a value appears in a column.
Frequency of occurrence of each value in a column, expressed as a percentage or number of rows.
Character patterns of the values in a column.
Statistics, such as the maximum and minimum lengths of the values in a column, and the first and last values.
Inferred data types, frequency, conformance criteria for data domain discovery, and data type inference status.
You can define a column profile for a data object in a mapping or mapplet or an object in the Model repository. The object in the repository can be in a single data object profile, multiple data object profile, or enterprise discovery profile.
You can choose sampling options, drill-down options, and run-time environment for a column profile. You can add rules and filters to a column profile.