Repository Asset Locks and Team-based Development Overview
Repository Asset Locks and Team-based Development Overview
The Model repository locks profiles to prevent users from overwriting the work of another user. If the Model repository is integrated with a version control system, it saves multiple versions of assets and assigns a version number to a version. You can check out and check in profiles and undo checkouts. You can view a specific version of a profile that you have checked out.
When you begin to edit a profile in the Analyst tool, the Model repository locks the profile so that other users cannot edit the profile. When you save the profile, you retain the lock. When you close the profile, the Model repository unlocks the profile.
The Model repository protects profiles from being overwritten by other members of the team with versioned asset management. When you try to edit a profile that another user has checked out, you receive a notification indicating the user who has checked out the profile. You can open a checked out profile in read-only mode, or save the profile with a different name.
You can select a version of the profile in the Profile Properties dialog box to view the profile definition for that version. You can access Profile Properties option in the Actions menu. For more information about repository asset locks and versioned asset management, see the