Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.4.0
- All Products
| Description
All Rows
| Runs a profile on all the rows in the data object.
Supported on Native, Blaze, and Spark run-time environment.
Sample First <number> rows
| Runs a profile on the sample rows from the beginning of the rows in the data object. You can choose a maximum of 2,147,483,647 rows.
Supported on Native and Blaze run-time environment.
Limit N <number> rows
| Runs a profile based on the number of rows in the data object. When you choose to run a profile in the Hadoop validation environment, Spark engine collects samples from multiple partitions of the data object and pushes the samples to a single node to compute sample size. The Limit n sampling option supports Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2 databases. You cannot apply the Advanced filter with the Limit n sampling option.
Supported on Spark run-time environment.
Random Percentage
| Runs a profile on a percentage of rows in the data object.
Supported on Spark run-time environment.
Exclude data type inference for columns with an approved data type
| Excludes columns with an approved data type from the data type inference of the column profile run.