Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding Domains
  3. Managing Your Account
  4. Using Informatica Administrator
  5. Using the Domain View
  6. Domain Management
  7. Nodes
  8. High Availability
  9. Connections
  10. Connection Properties
  11. Schedules
  12. Domain Object Export and Import
  13. License Management
  14. Monitoring
  15. Log Management
  16. Domain Reports
  17. Node Diagnostics
  18. Understanding Globalization
  19. Appendix A: Code Pages
  20. Appendix B: Custom Roles
  21. Appendix C: Informatica Platform Connectivity
  22. Appendix D: Configure the Web Browser

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Password Management

Password Management

You can change the password through the Change Password application.
You can open the Change Password application from the Administrator tool or with the following URL:
http://<fully qualified host name>:<port>/passwordchange/
The Service Manager uses the user password associated with a worker node to authenticate the domain user. If you change a user password that is associated with one or more worker nodes, the Service Manager updates the password for each worker node. The Service Manager cannot update nodes that are not running. For nodes that are not running, the Service Manager updates the password when the nodes restart.
For an LDAP user account, change the password in the LDAP directory service.
For a native user account, if you enable password complexity, use the following guidelines when you create or change a password:
  • The length of the password must be at least eight characters.
  • It must be a combination of an alphabet character, a numeric character and a non-alphanumeric character, such as:
    ! \ " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
When you use special characters in a password, the shell sometimes interprets them differently. For example, $ is interpreted as a variable. In this case, use an escape character to escape the special character.


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