Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Administrator Guide
  2. Introduction to the Data Vault
  3. Data Vault Service Startup and Shutdown
  4. Data Vault Configuration
  5. Data Vault SSL Setup
  6. Data Vault ODBC Setup
  7. Data Vault Administration
  8. Data Repartitioning
  9. Partial Data Vault Copy
  10. Archived Data Migration
  11. Bulk File Uploader
  12. Data Vault Administration Tool
  13. Data Vault Logs
  14. User Account Privileges
  15. ssasql Command Line Program
  16. Data Vault Audit Log
  17. Sample Configuration Files

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Data Vault Administrator Guide

ssamigrate Syntax

ssamigrate Syntax

The ssamigrate utility is located in the Data Vault installation folder on the machine where Data Vault is installed. Run the ssamigrage utility from the machine where Data Vault is installed to migrate archived data from one storage system to another within the same Data Vault instance.
The ssamigrate command uses the following syntax:
ssamigrate <flags>
Use flags to specify the migration task. You can list the flags in any order.
The following table shows the ssamigrate flag options:
The following table describes the ssamigrate flag options and command arguments:
Optional. Displays onscreen help. The help shows the syntax of the command and the possible flags.
Optional. Removes the SCT files from the source Data Vault location after the migration is complete.
If you do not include -c in the command line, the ssamigrate utility does not remove the files from the source Data Vault location.
-l <file path of target storage location>
-l cas://atmos_cloud1/
Required. The full path of the target storage location that you want to migrate the SCT files to.
-d <database name>
Required. The name of the database that you want to migrate data from. The database name is the same as the archive folder name in the Data Archive Data Vault target connection.
You can migrate data from one database at a time.
-m <number of threads for sct migration>
-m 5
Optional. The number of threads for concurrent SCT file migration.
Default is 10.
-n <number of threads for registration>
-n 3
Optional. The number of administrator threads for concurrent SCT file registration.
Default is 5.
-r <temporary file location>
-r $SSA_INI_DIR/temp
Optional. The temporary directory on the target system for the log, report, and runtime files.
By default, the ssamigrate utility saves the log, report, and runtime files in the same location that the ssamigrate utility is in.
-s <schema name>
Optional. The schema that you want to migrate.
You can migrate data from one schema at a time. Use the full schema name. If you enter multiple schemas or use wildcards, the command fails.
If you do not specify a schema, the utility migrates data from all schemas in the database that you specify in the -d option.
-t <table name>
Optional. The table that you want to migrate.
You can migrate data from one table at a time. If you enter multiple tables or use wildcards, the command fails.
If you do not specify a table, the utility migrates data from all tables from the schema that you specify in the -s option.
-u <user ID>/<password>
-u dba/dba
Required. User name and password of the Data Vault administrator user account.
-z <number of seconds>
-z 480
Optional. Extra number of seconds allocated for administrator operations such as the registration of SCT files.
By default, the ssamigrate utility allocates 120 seconds for an administrator task.
If you specify the -z option, then the ssamigrate utility adds the extra number of seconds that you specified to the default number of seconds.
For example, if you specify
-z 480
, then the ssamigrate utility allocates up to 600 seconds or 10 minutes for a task to complete.
If an administrator task does not complete in the allocated time, the ssamigrate utility creates a time-out.


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