Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Administrator Guide
  2. Introduction to the Data Vault
  3. Data Vault Service Startup and Shutdown
  4. Data Vault Configuration
  5. Data Vault SSL Setup
  6. Data Vault ODBC Setup
  7. Data Vault Administration
  8. Data Repartitioning
  9. Partial Data Vault Copy
  10. Archived Data Migration
  11. Bulk File Uploader
  12. Data Vault Administration Tool
  13. Data Vault Logs
  14. User Account Privileges
  15. ssasql Command Line Program
  16. Data Vault Audit Log
  17. Sample Configuration Files

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Data Vault Administrator Guide

Backup and Restore the Metadata Repository

Backup and Restore the Metadata Repository

Use the ssabackup and ssarestore utilities to backup and restore the metadata repository database.


The ssabackup command line utility creates an online snapshot of the metadata repository while the Data Vault system is running. Ssabackup creates the backup by starting a transaction that spans the backup period.
When the backup is complete, the transaction ends. Any transactions you start after the backup process begins will not have any changed data written to the backup file. The backup represents a copy of the entire database at the moment the backup began.
The backup creates a tar-ball file in a specified backup location, which can then be backed up to tape, NFS storage, or any other file system.
Optionally, ssabackup can also backup the SCT files at the same time. To backup the SCT files, you must specify a flag with the SCT files backup location (such as NFS, NAS, or SAN storage systems), because they are closed at the operating system level once they have been created.
The ssabackup utility uses the following syntax:
ssabackup [ <flags> ] [-h (displays the help screen)] [-b<dir> (metadata repository backup folder)] [-r<dir> (temporary directory for log, report, and runtime files)] [-s<dir> (SCT files backup folder)] [-u UID[/PWD] (Data Vault user name and password)]
For example, the following command generates an online metadata repository backup:
./ssabackup -b /u01/idvmeta/backup -r ./temp -u dba/<PWD>
The following command generates an online metadata repository backup and a backup of SCT files:
./ssabackup -b /u01/idvmeta/backup -s /nfs1/storage1/sct -r ./temp -u dba/<PWD>
The ssabackup utility does not backup any SCT files that are located in external storage.


The ssarestore command line utility restores the metadata repository from the backup repository created by the ssabackup tool. Use ssarestore if the original metadata repository database is unable to operate because of physical or logical damage.
The restore job runs for a specific date. The data filter is used to select the tar-ball backup file with a timestamp in the file name.
You must stop Data Vault before restoring a metadata backup. Any transactions created after the backup was taken will be lost after you restore a backup.
The ssarestore utility uses the following syntax:
ssarestore [ <flags> ] [-h (displays the help screen)] [-d<yyyy-mm-dd> (specific date for which to restore the archive)] [-l<location> (archive directory)] [-n<backup file name> (alternative backup file name: <file name>_<timestamp>.tar.gz)] [-r <location> (location of the run-time temporary directory)] [-u UID[/PWD] (Data Vault user name and password)]
To restore the metadata repository from a backup created by the ssabackup utility, complete the following tasks:
  1. Stop the Data Vault server and agent.
  2. If ssabackup ran with the
    flag, copy the SCT files manually from the SCT backup folder to the original file locations.
  3. Trigger the ssarestore utility:
    ssarestore –l <backup folder with the tar-ball file created by ssabackup> -r <temp_directory> -d <date of the tar file to be restored in yyyy-mm-dd format> -u <Data Vault user/password>
    If multiple archive files exist for the same date, use the
    -n<backup file name>
    flag to give the exact file name that you want to restore.
Run the ssabackup and ssarestore utilities on the same instance.
For example:
[idvuser@INVRLX62ILM29 b]$ ssarestore -l /u01/Official/Jenkins_slave/workspace/IDV642_Lin64/temp/b -n idv_metadata_backup_2016_04_12_10_47_40.tar.gz -r . -u dba/dba -d 2016-04-12


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