You can run profiles to discover primary and foreign key data, entity relationships, and data domains in source tables.
When a data source has no keys, you can run a primary key profile to identify possible primary keys. When the project contains multiple sources, you can run an entity profile to discover possible relationships between tables. Select the primary keys and the entities from the profile results to define the subset data structure.
You can run a data domain profile to search for columns in the source data to add to each data domain. Use data domain profile results to determine which columns to mask with the same masking rules.
When you run profiles for data discovery, the TDM Server sends a request to the Data Integration Service to extract data from the source tables. The Data Integration Service loads the profile results to the profiling warehouse. When you add constraints to tables, the TDM Server stores the constraints in the TDM repository. The TDM server does not update the data sources.